Why Treehouse?

We believe every child/young person deserves to feel safe, beyond their basic needs and that children/young people living in care can be transitioned into an innovative family model.


Our Goal.

By integrating the innovative family model into daily practices and ongoing planning for the children/young people in the care of Treehouse, we are able to create a space where they can begin to process their trauma. in a safe and loving home environment.

This may increase with self-esteem, sense of belonging and resilience, resulting in reductions in behaviours of concern.  

Our Model.

This innovative family model is created using the following theoretical underpinning; 

  • Intentional rapport and trust formation

  • Keeping sibling/ family groups together

  • Child centred family unit

  • Upholding the rights of the child

  • Trauma informed care

  • Attachment focused

  • Developmental Neuropsychology 

  • Psycho-social, Cognitive, Emotional and Moral Development 

Treehouse Benefits

  1. To feel safe and experience healthy attachments 

  2. A sense of belonging 

  3. To create positive memories

  4. Initiating the process of recovery from trauma

  5. Reduction in the need for behaviours of concern 

  6. Educational engagement and goals for the future

  7. Increased life skills and general knowledge

  8. Develop a sense of self 

  9. Feel abundance and self-worth 

  10. Improved physical, emotional, intellectual & psychological wellbeing 

  11. Permanent placement to commence and succeed

Make a Referral

Refer a young person or NDIS participant to our therapeutic programs.